1·A cold day dawned and a pale sun shone on the fountain and the icy road.
2·When the pale sun rose over the white, cold earth, it was the morning of Christmas Eve.
3·The young pale wind-flowers had arisen by the wood, and under the hazels, when perchance the hot sun pushed his way, new little suns dawned and blazed with the real light.
4·Asian women prefer to avoid the sun because being pale or white is considered beautiful, whereas a tanned complexion is considered much more beautiful and sexy in the west.
5·Mike was not a good player, yet the two friends kicked and ran until the sun turned the sky pale orange.
6·The cloud gives all its gold to the departing sun and greets the rising moon with only a pale smile.
7·Women applauding politely, wearing hats and long gloves to shield their pale skin from the glinting sun.
8·The flowers were beautifully arranged to show the Japanese rising sun against a pale blue sky.
9·The view from the bridge: broken bits of ice, like an explosion in a meringue factory, stretching towards the horizon, where the midnight sun held on in a pale yellow strip.
10·A good watermelon will have a pale yellow spot on the rind, indicating that it was left on the ground to ripen in the sun.